A recent survey by Zylab, a supplier of document management software, found that 80% of survey respondents said it took a day or more to find specific information. 20% can find their information within an hour. What a waste of time!
When asked how they retrieve the information, about 40% use software and another 40% use an administrative assistant. What happens when that administrative assistant leaves? (And they do.) How long will it take then, if at all. The filing system is often in the head of the admin assistant for most small businesses.
Don’t become a statistic. Don’t pull your hair out looking for files or information. There are inexpensive answers for small businesses. On my website is information about Taming the Paper Tiger software (only $170) to help organize your paper files. For electronic files, see information about Enfish ($50). Read the articles on the Solutions page to tell you even more. If this still isn’t clear, don’t hesitate to contact me!
Don’t you have better things to do then spend a day searching your office for information?
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