Why did I stop blogging?

OK, I know it has been a while since I have posted something here. (Yes, a LONG while.)

I have no excuse really which is interesting. Given the fact that I am all about productivity and using the internet as a tool, you’d think I would make this of prime importance. I tell my clients that where you spend your time is what is important to you. Is it that blogging isn’t important? Do I find this a chore? How much do I really like writing? Do I think that it is just me and the computer and guess what, the computer is not one to carry on a relationship with? Or, is it that other things have truly been more important?

Hmmm…I actually think it is some of both. Truth be told though – from a marketing perspective I know the value of blogging consistently. Not only so you will come back and read but also for the search engines to pick up the information.

I’ll let you in on a secret too. I’m embarrassed. I know what I should be doing and I haven’t been doing it. What kind of a model is that? I’ve decided to rise above this though and just tell you. Whew, now it’s out. I can move forward and get back on track. I fell off the cart and I’m getting back on.

So please come back and read. Over time I’ll catch you up on what has happened and continue to share my lessons, thoughts and information on productivity and life-balance. I’ve decided to take the plunge and learn more of the WordPress functions so I can jazz up this site. I’ll share my aha’s with you as I wrestle with a new tool.

Please communicate to me. It gets lonely sitting here at my desk all day. This new foray into Internet Marketing is exciting but it can be lonely when it is just you and the computer!! (I’d better be careful. “They” have a mind of their own sometimes. I don’t want him getting sick with a virus or something.) Just respond to any entry so I know what you are thinking.

Blessings and hugs!
Debbie 🙂

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