As I get older, I am certainly noticing a loss of memory. BNET had a great post which both confirmed this is normal as we reach our mid forties and gave some suggestions. Now…if I could just remember where I saw the post?!? 🙂 Here it is!
A Yale University study recommends a combination of physical and mental exercise to stop the brain from shrinking. One of the best physical exercises is to do something aerobic. We are also to combine mental brain exercise with activity such as reading, visiting friends, going to the movies or restaurants. I’ve got some of the mental part down, especially talking and eating. No wonder I also need the exercise!
All kidding aside, this is getting to be a serious problem for both me and my clients. We can only put so many systems in place to write tasks down, record phone numbers and create lists. We need to be able to rely on our body to assist us and should be helping it to stay healthy and tuned. We must make the time and prioritize this in our schedules. If we do, the result is actually more productivity!
I’m off to the gym…what are you doing?
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