How to play bigger in life


Did you know that 2009 is my year of “Playing Bigger”? I intend to make a huge step forward in my life. (You WILL be hearing more, especially right here on my blog!)


I’m strategically focusing on how to be happy, healthy AND wealthy. As I design my next work-life phase, I’m ensuring I will maintain a proper balance. (I’m playing golf at least once a week now!) Plus, I’m viewing money in a completely different light.

One of the tools I’m using to do this is a fantastically effective group coaching program by Jim Bunch, called The Ultimate Game of Life. Jim is hands down, one of the most effective coaches I’ve ever had.


He taught me how to look at life using the “9 Environments”. It’s an approach that keeps you well rounded and focused at the same time. I was going to write a long email and define the 9 Environments for you but Jim created a quick 3 minute overview video that can do it better than me.


Watch the video here!


What’s more? Get some free coaching from Jim. He’s having a call TODAY at 4:30 pm PST to fully explain the 9 Environments and show you exactly how to apply them in your own life. (You’ll get a taste of what I spend good money on!)


I apologize for posting this so late. I too, like things on my calendar in advance. Jim says even if you can’t attend today, sign up for the call and he’ll send you the recording.


Sign up for the call!


If you have any questions about the program or the “9 Environments” after you’ve listened, don’t hesitate to ask me. I want you to move forward in life too!


Hugs and blessings,




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