Should you take a vacation?

This was one of the questions I was asked this week by Jan Norman, a reporter for the OC Register for an article she was writing. She liked my answers enough to send a photographer out and I was the lead story for the article. Read the article here.

Especially for business owners, the “should” centers around, “Can you afford it financially?” and “Can you give up the time?”.

Let’s handle the money issue right now. You can (and must) be creative. Trips do not need to be long or expensive. Here are some ideas:

  • Throw your stuff in the car and go away for a long weekend. Driving will save on travel costs.
  • Get out in nature. Go camping. We did this a lot when our kids were younger and its fun to see them doing this now as young adults.
  • Trade houses with someone or sign up to house sit for a friend while they are gone. The change of scenery will do you good.
  • Look for deals right now as the travel industry is suffering. We can’t believe what we are seeing from the cruise companies especially.

 The real question is…”Why shouldn’t you take a vacation?” Everyone needs a break. Saying you don’t have the time is a joke. You need to get away, so does your family and so does your team. Often times we seem to focus on why we can’t get away and not enough on why we should.

Remember these benefits to both you and those around you:

  • Renewed energy
  • Greater sense of happiness
  • Less stress
  • Increased connection with those in your life (even yourself)
  • Overall sense of peace

I am all about work-life balance. We have to engineer the balance in our lives. It won’t happen by itself. So if you can’t afford the trip to Spain this year like we decided, then be creative and decide something else. Just get away and make the trip happen.

How can you afford not too?

(If you’ve been places you think we should go, by all means let me know! I’ll keep sharing with you too.)

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