Lessons in finance for graduates

The summer is coming to a close and I’ve spent a more concerted effort to do some more training with my two college-aged sons regarding their finances. (One will be a freshman in a few weeks!) It is something neither of us likes. They have to “see” their spending habits and get trained by Mom. I have to pretend they are a client and not roll my eyes!

I sent them this article on financial management tips for graduates and thought you might find it helpful too. For your graduates or even for yourself!

Betty Lin-Fisher, a Beacon Journal business writer has these lessons:

Lesson 1: Credit is good, but with it comes responsibility.

Lesson 2: Don’t spend more than you can afford to pay off.

Lesson 3: Shop around for cards with no fees and low-interest rates and look at your bill each month.

Lesson 4: Don’t get caught up in the ”game” of getting lots of credit cards and going for the highest credit limit.

Lesson 5: Weigh your student loans carefully.

Lesson 6: Get some lessons from your parents or a trusted adult about personal finance — they really do know what they’re talking about.

I guess right now I feel pretty good about Lesson 6! Don’t lose heart if you’ve been trying too. Learning to manage your finances is one of the, if not, most important lessons everyone should know.

(Get the full article here.)

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