The pace of a hectic day

Have you ever felt like this?

Have you ever felt like this?

The woman in this picture could have been me at the end of today! 

The pace of the day was unbelievable. I started at 6:00 am and it didn’t let up until 7:00 pm. I went from one meeting to the next non-stop. Plus, each meeting required I either give a presentation, run the meeting or be engaged in a some heavy analysis. I am exhausted!

Several times during the day, I paused to check in with myself. My status check said “not good”. You really do know when the pace is SO fast that you don’t feel right. For me, I feel a bit out of control. I don’t remember things very quickly (which is why I must have lists.) I begin to get irritated when people drag on or don’t stick to the schedule.

Thankfully, I don’t have to live every day this way. I have been noticing that my pace picks up when I am nervous about finances or a looming deadline. My pace, or desired pace, is slowing down as I get older though. I’m only in my late 40’s but I do need more time to process incoming information. The desire for my pace to be slower when it isn’t causes stress.

So, how did I deal with this today? I good glass of wine always helps. 🙂 Then after dinner I took a walk, or should I say, my dog took me for a walk? Either way, the exercise was good. Now I am going to get out out of my office and away from my computer to sit with my husband on the couch and watch some TV. I think I’ll watch some no-brainer show like “The Bachelorette“. I’m not usually one to advocate TV but this s-l-o-w pace seems appropriate for the end of this type of day!

Can you relate? What do you do to slow down your pace?

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