I just did something for “me” that I am proud of and I want to share with you.
After 9 years (or maybe even more) of leading and coordinating a women’s bible study at my church, I have resigned. The study has grown from a group of 10 to now over 100. At times we’ve had 150 on the roster. In the beginning, I did everything. Choose curriculmn, teach, lead, shepherd, and communicate. We’ve grown in size and structure and I’ve had the priviledge to work with many women who have helped along the way. I did not do this alone. Strategically, working with church staff, we now have a structure in place with 11 small group co-leaders, a coach leader and team, a self sufficient admin and hospitality team and some gifted teachers. I have been able to use my organizational skills to build something wonderful.
I am ready for something else to take this place. I am ready to use my gifts of strategic planning and encouragement in a new venture. It was time to clear my plate to make space for something else. I am not clear what that is, but I know I will gain clarity soon. I am not one to be without ideas. On the contrary, I have way too many ideas!! (Can you relate?)
I feel like the Lord is leading me to something bigger that fits my season of life. I did what He asked and stayed in my position (when I wanted to move on) for the last several years to ensure there was a foundation in place. I feel good that I stayed and good that I’ve decided to make a change with respect to where I put my time and energy in being with other Christian women. I have grown SO much and I know they have too.
So, am I scared there is now a hole in my schedule? Heck YES! But I am also energized. I know I must be open to new directions that are in store for me. With prayer, counsel, and lots of introspection, I know the opportunity will present itself.
I am learning that I don’t have to have all of the answers to make a decision to move forward. The point is to move and I will learn from mistakes and triumphs what my path is. I am NOT going to over analyze things to death this time. (Yes, I can do that.)
I am not afraid. I have support in many places. I am open to a new direction! I believe this is critical in the process of moving forward. Stay tuned. I promise to share my journey with you.
Hugs and blessings,
Debbie 🙂