Who is Your Target Market?

target1Whew! It’s been a long day putting together information for my new branding/online marketing guys. They want to assess who I am, what I say and most importantly…who I connect with.  In marketing terms, that would be my “target market”.

So, here is a list of what you should compile to get a good picture of who you serve:

  • Who are they?
    Senseless dvd

    Include the type of business, company structure, amount/type of staff, years in business, technology/computer skill level and particular tools they use.

  • What are their demographics? Include gender, age, education, marital status, family life cycle, income, ethnic or religious background, and location.
  • What are their psychographics? Include lifestyle, social class, opinion, activities or interests, and attitudes & beliefs.
  • What are their problems, pains or fears?
  • What solutions, benefits or desires do they have?

Do not under estimate the time it will take to write this down or the importance. The more information you can gather and then decide on, the better. Yes, I said “decide”. You (that includes me) MUST choose an audience to serve. The more focused you can be, the more you will actually connect with your target audience.

Thankfully, I had done this task some time ago but it was a good exercise to update it. Stay tuned…I’ll keep you apprised of our findings and next steps as it relates to my re-branding effort.

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